Criminal Law
The majority of my practice is devoted to defending individuals who have been charged either under the Criminal Code of Canada or Controlled Drugs and Substances Act. As well, I assist young persons who are charged under the Youth Criminal Justice Act and individuals who have come into contact with other quasi-criminal statutes such as the Highway Traffic Act. If you require assistance with a bail hearing or have been charged with any of the following offences; property offences, sexual offences, domestic assault, drug possession, firearms offences, or breaches of court orders, contact my office to set up a meeting and discuss the options available to you.

Wills and Estate Law
Joseph Horrigan is happy to assist anyone who is preparing for their future. No matter where you are in family stages or financial situations having a Will and Power of Attorney grants the individual peace of mind knowing that their intentions are recorded. If you would like to have your first Will drafted or feel that given changes in your life you require a new Will, contact my office to set up an intake meeting.
Small Claims Law
As of the 1st of January 2020, the Small Claims limit has been increased to $35,000. If you have a civil dispute and believe you are owed any amount below this threshold, contact my office to review your claim and discuss options available to you.
Notary Public
As a Notary Public under the Notaries Act, Joseph Horrigan is able to provide clients with authenticated true copies of their original documents. Joseph Horrigan is also a commissioner for the taking of oaths. If you require a sworn affidavit or an authenticate copy of a legal document contact my office.